Why to Improve Yourself.

I was a constant thinker (not a good habit) and I was always questioning everything (that’s a good one).

My main question for a long time was : What should I do with my life?.

There is no answer to this. But I found something that, after a lot of thought, seemed a good answer. And I accepted it and embraced it.

Its called self-improvement. Becoming the best version of yourself.

What’s better than this? (I thought and I still do).

I used to play many online games.

So i considered myself the character I wanted to level up and improve!!

Below I would analyze a bit the 5 reasons why self-improvement is important:

1. It helps you become a better version of yourself.

A better version of yourself in the fundament areas and more areas (personal and professional /business) of your life.

A better version in little things in everyday life. Like helping others and putting yourself second.
Ask yourself and figure out what kind of person you want to be.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Ernest Hemingway

Watch yourself becoming the person you wanted to be.!

Its the mindset of “heroes”.

What person do you imagine and what you should do to accomplish that.?

2. It helps you understand yourself.

In the long journey of improving we discover things about ourselves. Things we never knew their existence.

Be aware of them because they are the key to a faster self-improvement.

Accept them instead of trying to force a change on them. Its a part of you after all.

Use your strong points in your favor. Step on them and keep going – keep Improving.

A tip here is that our weak points may change without even realize it. So keep an eye on them, be aware.!

Do you know yourself? What you noticed after some days watching you?

3. Boosts your self-esteem and confidence.

Constantly improving, adding things to oursel means we raise our value. That value is where our self-esteem comes from.

Accomplishing small things at the start of self-improving boosts our confidence because we see and tell ourselves “yeah i can do this”, “that wasn’t so hard”. And that confidence builds in as we improve more.

Also both of them, confidence and self-esteem, can work as motivations.

4. It opens new opportunities. (in many areas of your life)

Improving ourselves means also we become better in what we do in general.

Being good opens new opportunities in your personal and professional life. Being that a relationship or a job opportunity.

Opportunities otherwise could be way to hard to get or never shown.

5. It makes you happier.!!

Nowadays many of us think, act and talk about happiness.

Its way to hard (even impossible) to define it. It is not the same for every human being on this planet.

But a constant self-improvement gives the feeling of accomplishment.

That feeling is a high motivation for action because it creates the desire for more of that feeling. And there is a loop to self-improvement(action) -feeling- motivation-action…

Constant improvement creates excitement. And:

Excitement is a form of happiness

Add all of them together : the feeling of accomplishment, the excitement and the improvement itself and you have a good pack of a happier life.


I started my journey and noticed way different things from what i could guess/imagine about me.

Let yourself unfold and be there to accept and understand. Build the discipline to go on and in.

Never ever consider you are or becoming perfect! If at anytime you believe that change course immediately because that’s not the purpose of self-improvement.

“An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person’s main task in life — becoming a better person.” 

Leo Tolstoy

Use those 5 as a motivation for self-improvement.

“Someone once told me the definition of Hell: The last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.”


What are your reasons to join the ImproveLand

Keep Improving.