Healthy Eating? Healthy lifestyle? Oh no , I hate broccoli!

I will give you some reasons to try broccoli and even more…
-Have you ever seen a person being mostly full of energy and in a good mood?? So do you want that energy and mood??-
Although there are psychological reasons behind that, a big part of it is what we eat!
We Are What We Eat!!
On Healthy Eating or as I like to call it Healthy Lifestyle there are both body and mental benefits. You guessed right, those benefits are linked and aligned.
Eating is a habit. Thus we are able to build healthy eating/lifestyle like we build other habits. A reason to build that habit are these 5 proven benefits listed below:.
The 5 Proven Benefits of Healthy Eating / Lifestyle
Listed below are 5 benefits I found in researches and personally believe are the most important. Although there are many of other benefits, I will only analyze those 5 and I will mention some of the others.
These 5 were what got me into testing healthy eating and later embracing the healthy lifestyle. Thus I consider them keystone points to it!

What benefits do You believe are the mist important.?
Food is Medicine / Combats Diseases
There are many theories of what boosts our immune system. Healthy Eating definitely is one among them.
I don’t want to downgrade pills and medicines, but prevention is a better way than cure. Despite the fact that Food is medicine for cure, it mostly helps in prevention!!
A healthy balanced diet or better healthy balanced lifestyle benefits our system by combating diseases. The most important of them are :
Heart health (decreases risk of heart disease), heart stroke prevention. – Blood pressure.
Blood pressure is a key point when it comes to heart health. Many fast foods – unhealthy foods contain salt that increases blood pressure and should be avoided.
Many people in modern countries suffer from obesity. Obesity causes many blood flow disorders that could end up in blood clots and heart stroke.
A balanced healthy lifestyle helps the heart functioning normal and better.
According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, up to 80 percent of cases of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented by making lifestyle changes. Lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular exercise.
Diabetes management.
Just because healthy lifestyle benefits weight management and blood pressure it is great for people with diabetes. Salt and added sugar is something missing from that lifestyle and people who have diabetes want to avoid.
Keeping blood sugar and pressure to necessary limits will help with diabetes management.
Reduces cancer risk.
Like heart diseases are affected by obesity, cancer risks does too. An unhealthy diet/lifestyle may increase cancer risk. An interesting thing is that obesity contribute to a worse outlook for people with cancer, as a study from American Society of Clinical Oncology reported.
On the other hand in a study, conducted in 2014, researchers found that a diet /lifestyle rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber reduced cancer risk in of the upper gastrointestinal tract and liver cancer, colorectal.
Cancer is something that we encounter a lot in our society, so I would recommend to think twice on this.
Overall health care.
There is no argue to that our health is one the most important things in life!
Eating healthy means that we take care of our overall health.
That includes bones and teeth, skin and body overall composition.
Stronger bones and teeth. Healthy foods contain the necessary nutrients to both be strong and healthy. To grow the way they meant to do and stay like this for a lifetime (almost!)
Same goes for the skin. Its touch, flexibility, long term health come mostly from our eating habits!
Last but not least our overall body composition. I know its an obvious one!! . We are what we healthy eating provides mostly a healthy body!
As a result it improves longevity, not just by time but also by quality!
Weight Management.
A great thing about healthy eating is that it looks like a diet but it’s not. It has the effects of a diet tho, a long-term one. Making a habit the healthy lifestyle is a long term diet.
As a result we are able to manage our body weight. Despite the fact that most of the times that means weight loss it could also mean weight gain or maintain.
It is the most natural way to do it and the one that lasts long enough,almost lifetime.!
Boosts Energy and Improves Mood
At it’s core food is energy. We consume digest and turn food to energy. As a result food is the fuel of our body.
-Would you fill your car with a bad fuel??- I guess not.
Same goes for our body. Healthy Eating fill us with great fuel. It is the fuel we are made to eat.
Healthy Eating changes the composition of our body. Thus we create a stronger body, that includes all inside and out.
That energy boost affects our every day mood. Being more energetic provides us with a better mood.
Also taking care of your body, healthy eating and exercising, has an impact on mind. That’s s where mood is coming from.
As a result we feel better about ourselves, our appearance which boost our self-esteem, confidence and social connections.
The feeling of being! Feeling Alive!
This specific benefit of healthy eating /lifestyle provides you with the feeling of being. It sounds more spiritual because it is! Thus it depends more on the connection we have with our body and how able we are to really understand and feel ourselves!
I won’t say that without healthy eating that state is unapproachable, but it is definitely easier with it.
That feeling when recognized will or may act as a motivator! Thus we will use that motivation to keep up with it. It is a loop!
An interesting fact and an easy one to understand tho is that regular and healthy meals will boost our willpower.
My personal experience here says that you have to try healthy eating to the point you recognized/sense that feeling! Then all i describe above will make -more- sense.! Its like you feel alive, more alive than usual!
Given these benefits and points I would at least try healthy eating for one month. It doesn’t have to be something extremely at the beginning, just 2-3 simple things: less refined carbs and trans fats and more fruits, vegetables and fiber! It will require tho discipline and some of willpower.
All of the above benefits :
- Heart health
- Overall health care
- Weight management
- Boosts Energy and Improves Mood
- The feeling of being
Beside those very important benefits analyzed above there some worth mentioning. Better sleep(quality sleep), health of the next generation, improves longevity, improves memory!
A balanced healthy lifestyle is one of the best things to try along with regular exercise! Improving both body and mental health!
What is your opinion about healthy eating, would you try it??